03 March 2012

Saturday Snapshot - Last Summer's Colors

Last summer, I ran around like a crazy woman when we were threatened by Hurricane Irene. I knew the high winds and heavy rains would batter my pretty flowers, so I cut half a dozen bouquets from the last of the perfect blooms. It was a pretty few days in the grey cottage, despite the rains and flooding that happened all around us.

Flash forward ... It's been awfully brown all winter and then, just the other day, it became awfully white and blustery. Times like this bring on memories of those summer gardens. Looking at this snapshot, I can't decide which is my favorite flower - the colors makes me positively woozy. Yup ... it's cabin fever!

I've been flipping through the seed catalogues the last couple days.

I've been dreaming on flower beds ... what do you do when you've been struck by wintertime cabin fever?

Check out other bloggers' Saturday  Snapshots by visiting Alyce's blog, at home with books. The are a kazillion links to check out! Have fun!


  1. Susan, these flowers are so pretty! I have a horrible history with plants, I always kill anything I tend for :( So, I just don't bother with plants anymore but, I still love looking at flowers! You should hang pictures of these all around the house :)

  2. Thanks for brightening my day. I've sneezed 5 times since I started writing this comment, so I'm miserable and the weather is gray. I needed a bouquet of flowers. Here's Mine

  3. That pretty much doesn't happen in FL but when we lived in MA, I couldn't stand the winter and seed catalogues were a wonderful escape for me too. I love all the colors in your flowers!

  4. Oh Susan, how pretty!!! Just a few short weeks and it will be spring again!

  5. Looking at these flowers, I can imagine myself in a Victorian tea room—we actually have one in a neighboring village—and amidst the flowers, the fine china, and the art, I could forget all about whatever is going on outside.

    Thanks for reminding me of ways we can transport ourselves.

    We can also read a good book!


  6. That's a gorgeous picture! What a cheerful reminder when it's so gloomy outside.

  7. Thanks for brightening my gloomy New England Saturday morning!

  8. Glorious sunshine in a vase. So colourful. I wish I could reach in and steal them!!

  9. That was a great idea you had to bring them all in! I think I like the small red flowers the best. Our pansies and primroses just started blooming and I'm so excited about it. It snowed a little bit last week and I really wanted to get a "flowers in the snow" photo but didn't have time before it had melted off.

  10. That's a lovely photo! The flowers are soooo pretty and colorful!

    No winter blahs here, though. ;-)

  11. They're so pretty! I always cut my Peonies before a storm and then end up sneezing because they smell so sweet. Just yesterday I was gazing at my muddy perennial flower bed and imagining what plants I need to divide and what new plants to buy. Spring fever always hits about this time of year.

  12. Those are so very lovely. I love all the color mixes. It makes me anxious for warmer weather.

  13. How gorgeous, and I love the story of rescuing them from the oncoming hurricane. When I'm feeling a need for some nature, I like to read L. M. Montgomery books. She wrote such beautiful descriptions of her beloved Prince Edward Island.

  14. Such cheery colors! I don't have a garden per se but I do plant pots and place them around the patio and by the front door. I'm going to start looking for interesting and new possibilities for planting this spring.

  15. Wonderful flowers! Beautiful colours!

    Here is my Saturday

  16. How clever of you to have the foresight to do that. I would never have thought of that.

  17. Lovely photo.
    What do I do when I get that wintertime cabin fever?
    I.... read yet another book!


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