24 March 2012

Saturday Snapshot - Lord of the Manor

Meet Penny ... top cat around the grey cottage these days. He's getting a bit big for his britches as he grows through his kitty adolescence. Can you tell that he has major attitude?  Yup ... he's got it and then some!

Penny was born in a basket on our couch last Spring and has since made the couch his throne. He climbs to his spot numerous times during the day to lord it over us as we sit with books, nap away an hour or two, or lounge about with a glass of wine and a laptop or puzzle ... what a distinguished presence he's becoming.

To see other's Saturday Snapshots, visit Alyce's blog - at home with books  ... it's always a fun Saturday morning tradition to look at what's inspiring other bloggers and add your own little snapshot with a bit of commentary! Simply link up a post of your own and leave Alyce a comment informing her of your participation ... oh yeah, and a bit of a comment on her contribution!


  1. Haha, yeah . . . the attitude! He's got it written all over his face.

  2. Oh, yes indeed! That is some attitude...reminds me of a cat we once had, appropriately named Cleopatra, who was too good for the rest of us...lol

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  3. Well, I'd say he's got "catitude" and why not, look at that handsome face! He could be America's next "Top Cat!" I think he may think you work for him! LOL!!!

  4. It took a little while for the picture to load during which I wondered who the Lord of the Manor was going to be and then there he was and the title completely suits him! What a dignified looking kitty!

  5. He has a regal air about him and the glare is one that should be taught toothers :-) Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  6. Penny is very majestic looking!

  7. A throne is the only fitting place for him (and most other cats). :-)

  8. Yes, gorgeous and he knows it. Here's Mine

  9. Cats always rule the household, don't they? :)

  10. He definitely has that aura about him!

  11. Penny looks like king of the world! He looks like out Jiggs.

  12. Wonderful photo of Penny!

  13. A regal portrait of a handsome kitty.


  14. I am a serious cat-lover and the father of a truly fine specimen of feline beauty -- but this cat here..... seriously, this is a gorgeous, dignified looking critter for sure. Just beautiful. My own cat, Jack, presides over the apartment from his own wicker chair [throne].

  15. Cats help to make a house a home! Or castle, as the case may be!!

  16. Handsome! I have a tuxedo cat too. He's getting up there in age but still handsome as ever.


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