19 July 2012

Picnic Fare 3 : Mango/Blueberry Salsa !

The bumper of blueberries is coming to a peak here on Gap Mountain. This weekend, SB and I are hosting a blueberry picking party. He hikes the mountain with the hikers and pickers and I put together a huge picnic affair here with the folks that don't like to hike and swat bugs. When the pickers get back to the grey cottage we eat like nobody's business!

I tested this mango blueberry salsa yesterday and decided that it will be great with a huge bowl of corn chips. We had it over top pan-seared salmon last evening with sides of garden green beans, but it is a wonderful snack-y dip that's healthy too! Go easy on the jalapeno pepper if you have folks that have tender palates ... just sayin'. I made ours firecracker hot, but some people can't tolerate the heat ... and God knows it's been hot enough here lately!

If you make this salsa, do try to lay your hands on some wild blueberries. They're smaller and sweeter and they make this salsa just perfect - the domestic blueberries are too large. Just sayin' ...

Mango Blueberry Salsa

Serves 4 - 6 as a snack


4 mangoes, peeled and strips cut and cubed
1 ½ c. fresh wild blueberries
¾ c. sweet red pepper, sliced and cubed very small
¾ c. sweet white onion, cubed very small
1 large jalapeƱo pepper, cubed very small (remove the seeds and veins if you like)
6 tbsp. lime juice
3 tbsp. rice wine vinegar
3 tbsp. olive oil
¾ tsp. cumin
6 tbsp. fresh cilantro, minced
Pinch cayenne pepper

Toss all the ingredients together in a cool glass bowl and chill until cold. Toss again to bring juices up through the salsa and serve as suggested.

Note: Serve with corn chips or as a side salsa for grilled salmon or grilled chicken. Yum!


  1. This looks amazing!!! How lucky are you to be able to send a party out to pick berries! How many lbs. did SB bring back for you! They freeze beautifully too!

    I'm using up my reserve of wild Maine blues, just made and posted a lime recipe!

    I can't wait to try your recipe! Thanks for sharing!


  2. I've heard of mango in salsa before, but never blueberries. What a great idea! It may be hard to find wild berries here in Kansas, but I'm willing to try.

  3. What a super-colorful salsa. It would be brilliant over some grilled halibut.

  4. Doesn't this sound good. I really like using seasonal fruit at its peak in as much as I can. The season is so short for the summer berries. Great colors too. The more color the better it is for us.


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