07 July 2011

Peas and New Potatoes ... and MFK Fisher

She writes so beautifully ... that, and her approach toward the fresh and local foods around her are her legacy. Enough said.

Once on Long Island I saw jewel-like tiny potatoes lying in a newly plowed field, in late August, and I pulled off my shoes and plunged out into the soft sandy dust and culled enough for a fine lunch. A car slowed down on the road, and I thought it might be the workers back from a break, or the police, but there was a great laugh and it drove on. Later I learned that I had embarrassed my hosts (who enjoyed the nut-like little culls before they felt any qualms). But the next August came an air-mailed box of ‘more of the same’, and I have always wondered how and when other people got knee-deep dirty to pick them for me, out in that elegant banlieue.”

- M.F.K. Fisher from With Bold Knife and Fork

No elegant banlieue here on our dirt road  ... just a small garden plot giving up its first green jewels and brown-burnished taters. This is a small garden ritual that we go through each summer ... SB calls in from the back yard, 'Peas and new potatoes tonight!' I give an Olive Oyl hoot and rattle the bowls for shucking the peas and soaking the dirt off the new little taters.

Later, the potatoes will be boiled gently just until they are tender.The peas will be blanched in the same water and when they are bright green and still a bit crunchy, I will drain everything and toss them with butter and plenty of black pepper... and we will feast. MFK would like that.

peas and new potatoes, creamed chard, and roasted lemon chicken


  1. Through her prose Ms. Fisher could make you feel you couldn't live without even the simplest of dishes. This dish reminds me of my childhood although my mom would throw in a sprig of mint too!

  2. Beautiful post; thank you and it sure looks tasty.

  3. LOVE the quote Susan! I'm not familiar with her work but my interest is now piqued! Hope you are enjoying a lovely summer!

  4. Susan, this was beautifully done. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and recipe with us. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  5. What a perfectly beautiful recipe! I love how you were able to find a quote that correlated so well with your recipe. The whole meal sounds delicious!

  6. Great job Susan, I love how the simplest dishes can be so great and inspiring!

  7. This is SOOOOO MFKF! I think you did a perfect, simple, seasonal tribute...and it made me hungry ;)

  8. I'd never heard of Ms Fisher before today, but this recipe is definitely one I'll be trying!

  9. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful supper! I'm so envious of your garden. I've been trying to grow an indoor herb garden. It's not working. Sigh......


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