30 June 2015

An Aside ...

If you're from New England and you keep a vegetable garden, you KNOW the joy that comes from bringing in the first of the garden peas and new potatoes ! New peas are like nature's candy - tiny and crisp and sweet as can be! And new potatoes are like velvet when cut up and readied for a slow simmer.  Add just a pat of butter and a sprinkle of salt and pepper and it's as close to heaven that we'll ever get here on Earth!

Plop them down next to a piece of poached salmon with dill (that also came out of the garden!) and one has a classic 4th of July summer feast! This and a glass of wine makes for a true celebration of summertime!

Here's hoping you're enjoying the fruits of the season too! Hurray for summertime gardens !!!


  1. Wow wonderful garden. I like this so much. Thanks for providing your ideas here.

  2. These look wonderful. I miss not having a garden like we did when kids were home. Condo now so it's not an option.

  3. Yum, I love radishes & carrots from the garden and of course tomatoes, corn, blueberries, rhubarb, strawberries, lettuce, peas, swiss chard . . . you get the point! LOL!!!

  4. I don't have a vegetable garden in our rented house, and I miss the experience of wandering out back to gather up dinner supplies so much! Your salmon looks perfect!


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