Holy Week
The lawn is strewn with tawny grass,
tiny palms lining the way to Spring…

last year’s offerings that died and
lay brown and sere … expectant.
The long and dark Winter holds on,
lashing out with stinging snow …
taunting faith and denying the sun,
dashing hope with bitter windy blast.
But wait, beloved! Look! See?
A tiny point of green is there…
a poignant spear that pierces
upward in a welcome burst of love.
Why do you weep and rail?
Bitter snow, chilly wind subsides,
as cold pebbles are rolled aside.
Purple crocus rise … triumphant.
-Susan Miller-Lindquist
Easter is the traditional time for the Lindquist house to produce a huge batch of piragi for the Easter church service fellowship hour. Of course, there are more waiting at home for our Easter dinner, too! Let me say something about making these piragi. I am not, by nature, a patient person when it comes to food prep. I like to get the slicing and dicing and stirring and cooking done, but making bread is an exercise in 'getting the right feel' on a dough and then waiting. With this piragi recipe, there's the added chop-chop, cook-cook, mix-mix and then wait and let the herbs do their magic. THEN... you construct the piragi. For me, it's like waiting for the freakin' stars to align!
That being said, these little filled sweet rolls are so very delicious that when you pull them warm from the oven and pop one in your mouth, you realize that some things are really worth all the effort. If you're looking for a wondefully tasty bread offering for a dinner party, this is really a rewarding recipe. Guaranteed!