04 January 2014

Foodies Read 2014 ... Food and Books !

One of my resolutions for the year is to read a book, article, essay, poem, whatever from each of the recognized literary genres ... it may sound like a 'geeky' thing to do, but what can I say? I'm a reader who is always trying to stretch myself a bit. Anyway, I was browsing the blogs today and came across this intriguing reading challenge. 

Check it out! Reading foodie books! Cook books, food policy, memoirs, food history, novels where food plays a part in plot, biographies of famous foodies ... there are bunches of possibilities! To boot, it plays well with my on-line activities and with my new year resolution. What's not to like ? 

So ... I have cast around for several books to put on a reading list and voila ! I'm jumping on board! Wanna come along? Check out the link I've provided and read for yourself how you can become a part of this years Foodies Read 2014 Challenge.

I'm trying to be eclectic here, as I'm going across genres ... what do you think? See any interesting titles? I'm psyched! I'm well into Nigel Slater's book right now and Luke Barr's Provence 1970 is on my bedside table. Marco Pierre White intrigues me, seeming to be a dangerous and unpredictable personality; his the devil in the kitchen memoir may be a 'toss-away', but I'm going to try it anyway. A Feast of Ice and Fire will feed my obsession with Martin's fantasy series and Like Water for Chocolate is a re-read of one of my favorite novels. Both Babette's Feast and Like Water for Chocolate will be followed by screenings of the film adaptations. The other titles are totally new to me. 

It's going to be a delicious year! Here's a link to investigate this foodie challenge.


  1. It sounds like a challenge for 2014. Many of the titles sound very interesting.

  2. I love this idea. It inspires me to do something similar with regard to quilting.

  3. I am making the waterzooi tomorrow. Thanks for these book-devil in the kitchen looks deranged. I really need to see if my library has Provence.

  4. Wonderful goal for this year, Susan. Not geeky at all. My husband hates it when I go into a book store, dreading how much I'll spend on cookbooks (and non-cookbooks). It's an addiction!


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