30 June 2010

Moosewood's Muffin Madness ...

It must be summer, because I have pulled Moosewood Restaurant Cooks at Home off my cook book shelf. Summertime, that wonderful season when you just don't know what to do with all the stuff coming in from the garden, brings with it the Drosophila melanogaster. Yup ... fruit flies have been seen in the Lindquist kitchen ... hovering around some bananas that have seen yellower days. Time to make muffins! After that, the cook book will stay out for most of the summer, as I refer to some of the best vegetarian recipes for our garden's produce. Stay tuned there!

Moosewood's version of the basic muffin recipe is a standard in the cottage on the hill. To this basic sweet muffin recipe, I add all sorts of summer bounty ... zucchini, pecans, and cinnamon and cloves ... blueberries and lemon zest ... apples and walnuts ... whatever one has on hand can go into this sweet breakfast treat.

Today, I'm making a batch of mini-muffins to share with our summertime neighbors who rolled into town yesterday from Pennsylvania. They will be banana, chocolate chip, and walnut muffins ... a nice sweet breakfast treat. I'll drop them by with a nice white geranium for their porch. It will be a nice way to touch base, welcome them back to their summer house, and stymy those pesky little fruit flies that are looking around for something to knosh in my kitchen!

Tonight, I'll leave my wine glass on the counter with a bit of wine and a few drops of dish soap mixed together ... a not so sweet trap for any errant flies still lurking.  There ... a household hint with your recipe fix! Go for it!


Moosewood Restaurant's Muffin Madness - printer friendly

Yum ... mini-muffins calling out for a glass of milk!

1 comment:

  1. The Moosewood was one of my favorite restaurants when I lived in Ithaca. I miss it's homey goodness. Whatever was on the blackboard was the menu for the night. Love "The Enchanted Broccoli Forest" cookbook.


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